How do you rate SurgeX’s Eliminator Series?
When it comes to protection against surges, there is no better solution than SurgeX, so I would certainly give it an “A.” SurgeX absorbs and eliminates surges, removing all harmful transients from ever reaching sensitive gear, even on the ground or neutral. With SurgeX, I know the equipment will not only be protected, but will be less prone to lockup.

For what types of installations is it best suited?
While we have clients all over the country, we are headquartered in Miami, which is home to some of the most catastrophic surge events anywhere. Any sensitive piece of gear is protected by a SurgeX unit to afford it the best protection possible. For instance, we had an installation go into a home that was hit by lightning every week of the rainy season in Florida. Equipment was being burnt out and destroyed on a regular basis prior to our being hired. By installing SurgeX power protection, we were able to protect all of the equipment, and it no longer had any issues with being harmed by lightning.
Describe the feature set of the Eliminator Series.
To date, I have only used their commercial gear. Like most commercial gear, it is designed more for performance, than for retail shelf appeal. I understand that they are getting ready to enter the CEDIA channel and I am anxiously awaiting their new designs. As far as feature set, in addition to their protection, the impedance tolerant filtration is a must have to remove the noise and interference that is always present and constantly degrades system performance. I also like their ability to both trigger and sequence outlets for large installations, and I am looking forward to their new IP-enabled control as well. I know when I spec in a SurgeX, it will work as advertised and will provide the best protection possible.
What would you like to see changed or added?
Two features that I am starting to require in all of my installs are UPS solutions as well as IPenabled devices. I have just ordered the new Icontrol IP-enabled device from SurgeX and am very anxious to try it out. I have also heard that two separate SurgeX UPS solutions will be coming out early next year, and I am waiting to get my hands on one for beta testing/review. I understand from SurgeX that these will be built on shore in North Carolina and will be built from the ground up specifically for integrators like myself.

Advanced Series Mode Protection offers surge elimination, not suppression, with non-sacrificial technology. Absolutely no surge energy is diverted to ground or neutral.
SurgeX was the first surge elimination product in the world to be certified Grade A, Class 1, Mode 1 by UL/US Government
Full power conditioning including Impedance Tolerant EMI/RFI filtration, Couvs voltage protection and ICE current in rush elimination
Full range of solutions include IP-enabled, UPS, and slim line system for remote displays
Made in USA with a 10-year warranty
When he was 16, Audio One founder and president David Frangioni was playing music across New England and began experimenting with electronic drums and other forms of music technology. Having worked in the recording industry since the 1980s and then branching out into other areas in the early ’90s, his specialty now is essentially all AV and automation technology. He founded his company 20 years ago and has been an advocate of SurgeX for nearly 10 years.
“My career mirrors my life: every day brings a new and exciting challenge. When a client comes to me with a request that is atypical (and sometimes seems nearly impossible), I jump at the chance to take it on and not only finish the project, but go above and beyond the client’s expectations and really ‘wow’ them.”