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Are You Attending CEDIA EXPO 2015?

Sometimes help appears in a form we don’t immediately recognize. Take, for example, CEDIA Expo.

According to a tall tale that’s been around for decades, a man was stranded on the roof of his barn after a levee on the Mississippi River gave way and flooded the countryside. A rescue team arrived in a motorboat but the man refused to leave the roof. “I have prayed to the heavens,” he explained. “I know I’ll be saved.”

The water continued to rise and the man had to retreat to the top of the cupola to stay dry. Fearing the worst, rescuers arrived in a helicopter to save him, but again he refused help. Instead he repeated, “I have prayed to the heavens. I know I’ll be saved.”

He drowned. When he arrived in heaven he was furious. “How could you let me drown?” he exploded. “I had faith and prayed for delivery.”

Suddenly there was a flash brighter than lightning, and a thundering voice from above him replied, “What are you yelling about? I sent you a boat and a helicopter.”

The point of this old bromide is simple: sometimes help appears in a form we don’t immediately recognize. Take, for example, CEDIA EXPO Some people think of it as a trade show, a place to see old friends and new gear. It’s that, yes, but it’s much, much more. 

CEDIA is all about training. In addition to receiving what’s arguably the world’s finest CI training from veteran CEDIA instructors, all major manufacturers offer training on their specific products. You can see the up-to-date schedule here.

You can get into the show for free, you know. All exhibitors are given “Guest Pass Codes.” The free code for my company, URC, is URC15. To attend the show you must register. Use this link.

Register online as an attendee and then on the payment page, enter your coupon code URC15. The price for tradeshow registration will be reduced to $0 (as in ZERO) at that time. Regular full price tradeshow registration is $250 for non-members and free for CEDIA members.

Bottom line, maybe no one will send a motorboat or helicopter for you, but CEDIA EXPO can help you in many ways, with professional training leading the list. And as a bonus, there’s a rumor that there are some mighty fine parties after show hours, too. Save me a longneck. 
