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3 Reasons Why Running Your Business is More Than Numbers

A business is more than a Federal Tax ID number. Businesses take on a life of their own, beyond what is made or sold. What it becomes is the sum of its parts. You can present your business to the world via social media and a website, but at its core the representation of the business is more than numbers and advertising.

Image: ThinkStock 

A business is more than a Federal Tax ID number. Businesses take on a life of their own, beyond what is made or sold. What it becomes is the sum of its parts. You can present your business to the world via social media and a website, but at its core the representation of the business is more than numbers and advertising.

Company Culture. I am amazed by how many companies do nothing with their employees for the holiday, and this is across multiple industries. We take our team out to dinner every year. The event builds comradery and an overall positive perspective. This year we also presented everyone with D-Scope 3D Google glasses, which kept everyone amused while waiting for our meals (if you have not had this inexpensive VR experience, I highly recommend it). What is more fun than a great tech gift for technical people?

So often the front of the house may not see or talk to the back of the house during busy times. Breaking bread together allows us to remember that we are a team, all working toward a common goal. It is also a thank you to all employees for a year well done. We bring up our favorite and craziest stories of the year and build upon these experiences for the future. Installers and salespeople are your front line—the ones answering the phone, going into homes and businesses. What kind of attitude do you want them to portray?

Community. Your company is more than the building you are in; it is part of the community from which you function. Are you involved in your local chamber of commerce or other local entities? Not only do you learn about what is happening in your neighborhood, like new housing developments or restaurant openings, but you also meet the players involved in your area. You never know what new law or permit requirement might be passed that could help or hinder your business. You also get to contribute to the future of your town or city and have a hand in what it will become for you and your children. It is part of shaping your little corner of the world.

The Give Back. Anyone who owns a business knows the flood of requests asking for donations. These pleas come in daily, from a request for a sick friend or family member to a collection from a larger non-profit. Some companies look at these donations as money out of their pocket, but giving back can be valuable to your company for the exposure and overall presentation of “who” your company is. If you plan this into your year, you can choose the cause that suits your company’s values and needs and also let others know about your involvement. Plus, it’s good karma, and that is never a bad thing.

The holidays have become much about getting material items, and so many of us have forgotten about giving back. Think of ways that you and your company can give back to your world through your employees, the local economy and government, and the causes that affect us all.
