Richard Millson says that most valuable piece of advice that he can offer for successfully adding automated window treatment integration to residential projects is to do everything you can to standardize your documentation.
While measuring and recording the many parameters associated with the various window treatments in a project is certainly not difficult, it can be very detailed, he says.
To standardize the way his firm installs automated window treatments in large buildings, the Millson Technologies president had his team devise what it calls the “Room Mark” for each window treatment. Essentially it is a series of letters and numbers in a very specific order that allows the integrator to tell at a glance exactly for which project, room, and window opening a specific treatment is intended.
As a way of helping those that might want to consider adding window treatments to their own projects, Millson is making his window treatment naming standard available, for free, by clicking here.
Millson says that if you don’t currently offer automated window treatments, he strongly encourages you to consider doing so. “In an industry of shrinking margins and increasingly do-it-yourself products, this is one area where your skills and expertise can add real value, and still earn you good profits,” he said.