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Best Buy is Getting THX Training, Are You?

I chatted last week with Fred McNickle, director of sales and marketing for THX Video Technology, about the upcoming THX hands-on Video Certification Workshop, and he shared an interesting tidbit with me. He said that in his relatively short time working for THX, he was amazed at how many Best Buy sales people were sho

I chatted last week with Fred McNickle, director of sales and marketing for THX Video Technology, about the upcoming THX hands-on Video Certification Workshop, and he shared an interesting tidbit with me. He said that in his relatively short time working for THX, he was amazed at how many Best Buy sales people were showing up to take THX training, apparently on their own dime. Calling it an “ah ha moment,” McNickle implied that he was particularly surprised to find out how the much-maligned Best Buy salesperson was willing to invest in his knowledge of video technology.

Consider that a challenge, I suppose, as I point out that THX is hosting another three-day THX Professional Seminar in Los Angles, December 7, 8, 9, on the JVC campus. Tuition is usually $2,700, but McNickle is offering a Level 1 Promo that costs only $1,498, if you register now for Combined Level
1 & 2 (Contact Fred at to register).

To read fun anecdotes about THX training, check out John Sciacca’s blog about his own experience taking THX training, but suffice it to say that you will get your money’s worth. Beginning with basic DTV front-panel control adjustments, then moving to advanced grayscale settings, gamma levels and color adjustments, you will emerge with a full understanding and a “systems approach” to electronic imaging.

In the class, you will:
• Participate in more 16 hours of hands-on calibrating, using test-pattern generators, image analyzers, and cutting-edge software.
• Learn with trainers who have calibrated more than 3,000 displays and systems.
• Fine-tune the best picture quality on the kinds of displays, sources, viewing environments, lifestyle, and personal preferences that you will encounter in the field.
• Learn how to differentiate yourself from your competitors with the value of calibration.
• Generate multiple calibration reports you can use towards your full THX Video Certification.
• Peek into the future challenges and opportunities 3-D will bring to calibration.
• Emerge ready to sell your calibration service and better-quality displays and AV gear.

Class times are 8:30am to 6pm each day plus lab time.
Morning snacks and hot lunch are included.
Lab is open until 9pm on day 1 and 2.

If you already know video theory, now you can learn how to apply that knowledge to end-users’ displays, and make their pictures conform to industry standards.

Want to learn, more? Check out this video tech site that was created for THX calibrators to communicate and get questions answered etc.
