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Sandy The AV Disaster

It isn't until a huge storm hits and forces us to live without our TVs, iPads, computers, and internet that we realize just how much we rely on technology and just can't live without it.

How many of you, like myself, are sitting around your house with no power thinking, “what the heck am I going to do with myself for the next few days?” 

It isn’t until a huge storm hits and forces us to live without our TVs, iPads, computers, and internet that we realize just how much we rely on technology and just can’t live without it.

I asked myself, “How did people survive before technology?!” My iCloud didn’t back everything up, so my wife and I watched the same two episodes of Ninja Turtles and The Big Bang Theory over and over on the iPad until it died, and then we were lost about what else to do.

I have been seriously contemplating getting a hotel room until the power comes back because I just can’t be separated from my electronics for much longer.

In efforts to keep my customers from having to suffer away from their technologies, I frantically tried to get battery back ups to protect their systems from the storm, but with people not taking the storm seriously until Friday or Saturday, there just wasn’t enough time to get to everyone, including myself.

As much as we consider our industry a luxury, I have come to realize that it is more of a necessity than I thought. It amazes me how much of everyday life relies on technology that we take for granted; how much business runs not only on electricity, but on the use of our many technologies. 

I don’t know about you, but life without my iPad, TV, and internet is a struggle, even for just a day. I know that as soon as power returns, I will be investing in battery back ups and generators to protect myself from this happening again. I will count my blessings for being lucky enough to live in the age of technology and not take it for granted again.
