In our series of #CEDIAShares blogs, we’re talking with exhibitors about the hottest technologies and trends they’re looking to see at CEDIA 2018.

Q&A with Robert Keeler, VP of Residential Sales, Stewart Filmscreen
Robert Keeler: CEDIA is the tradeshow for our channel of business. We are all busy nowadays, and what better vehicle to get a maximum return on our investment and time than CEDIA, where dealers can talk with the policy and decision makers at the vendor level, and vendors can show how their products might help dealers make money in solving solutions. Why CEDIA? More like why not?
Q: What is the most exciting trend you expect to see at the show?
RK: I expect to see more voice-control-based solutions, but ideally, more solutions centered around “the big screen experience,” including those found at Stewart Filmscreen’s booth.
Q: What will you focus on at the show?
RK: Being a 71-year-old company that has served this industry for years, not only is it important to showcase product refinements but also engage with dealers, new and old, and let them know we are right beside them in the trenches. They don’t have to go it alone. While we may sell a variety of products, what we truly sell are solutions.

To learn more, check out Stewart FIlmscreen in Booth 5324 at CEDIA 2018.