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2012 Events Calendar

CEDIA EST Home Theater Boot Camp

June 21-23

Indianapolis, IN

American Institute of Building Design National Convention

August 5-8

Wilmington, NC

National Conference of State Legislatures Legislative Summit

August 7-9

Chicago, IL


September 5-8

Indianapolis, IN

Digital Video Expo

September 19-21

Pasadena, CA

IIDEX/NeoCon Canada

September 20-21

Toronto, Canada

CEA Industry Forum

October 14-17

San Francisco, CA

CEDIA China Expo

November 7-9

Shanghai, China

CEDIA EST Basic Residential Boot Camp

November 12-14

Indianapolis, IN

CEDIA EST Home Theater Boot Camp

November 15-17

Indianapolis, IN

Government Video Expo

November 27-29

Washington, D.C.
