Catalyst AV member Tech Source Distributors in Montgomeryville, PA, held a huge event that was billed as the “Grand Re-Opening of our Building.” In reality, it was a knock at Covid and a chance to bring dealers and manufacturers together in a reorganized environment to do business, learn, network and celebrate.

“It was a great opportunity to show everyone our reorganized warehouse and showroom area,” says Brett Neiderman, president and owner of Tech Source. “We offered great demos with the Sony GTZ-380 projector in our warehouse, and also debuted our new Mercedes Benz Sprinter Coastal Source Demo Van out on our lawn — and attendees loved it! I heard dealers say, ‘This was so cool and we appreciated the opportunity to have one-on-one conversations with the vendors, and see your revamped warehouse and all of the brands that you carry.’

“In addition to Sony and Coastal Source, manufacturers also attending were AVPro Edge, Monitor Audio, and Savant, with giveaways, a BBQ food truck. Everyone had a great time!”
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