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Product Integration

We can discuss acoustical and system planning and design, ergonomic considerations, and aesthetics but, in the end, theater designers are dependant and, in fact,...


The Wait-and-See Approach

Over the past nine years, Parks Associates has been tracking the activities, attitudes, and opinions of principals active in the custom installation channel.


Speaking of Milestones

So I’m turning 40 this month, which I mention not as some cheap ploy to get presents from my friends in the industry, but...


Confusion or Fusion

Private theaters boasting stunning interiors and exceptional performance can be realized with planning, cooperation, and collaboration. Unfortunately this does not always come easily...


Game Changers by Design

Well into the third year of a stubborn recession, the specialty CE and custom installation markets have undergone a major transformation. Consumers have...


Feeling Unloved?

Last month’s news that B&W was offering portions of its loudspeaker product line to Magnolia retail stores felt to me like the CEDIA...


Worth the Wait

Missouri Integration Firm Provides a Client with the Home Theater That He Always Wanted ...


Why You? Why Now?

Leveraging Your Competitive Advantages for Greater Success Shortly after the publication of my last article in Residential...


Home Grown

I got a glimpse into my country’s once-strong manufacturing past last month while visiting Harman’s Elkhart, Indiana, factory, and I have to say that...


How We Do Windows

Large reflective surfaces in a home theater require acoustical consideration, and windows are particularly difficult to treat.


Historical Relevance

In the rapidly changing world of consumer electronics, it is nearly impossible to stop long enough to assess the significance of the products that...


Living Large

Two years ago, prominent private theater designer Theo Kalomirakis, founder of TK Theaters, and his VP of sales and marketing James Theobald envisioned...


When Retro is a Good Fit

There are electronic systems contractors who take pride in their retrofit integration expertise, while others see it as a necessary evil in a...


Chateau Style

Premier Designs CEO Jason Barth wanted to create a truly custom experience center for showcasing his company’s electronics integration services. After forming product...


Feeling Refreshed

If you’re reading this column right now, then you must be either stubborn or old (or maybe both). Haven’t you heard that print...


What Shape Are You In?

Knowing Your Personality Type Can Help You Communicate In both business and personal interactions, it’s important to...


No More Party Tricks

Last month, the New York Times featured an article from a writer who wanted to make her onebedroom Manhattan apartment “smarter” by buying...

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