Aim High Audio will host The 2nd Annual Big Show in Atlanta, GA for their clients throughout the Southeast. The event is scheduled for March 25-26, 2014, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Atlanta Marriott Northwest.
The Big Show brings custom integration dealers together with the manufacturers that provide the technology they sell and install, the company says. The event will include the following:
* Keynote speaker Jeff Boccaccio, author of HDMI Uncensored
* 50-plus manufacturers with factory-direct personnel
* Limited attendee spaces to ensure quality time with all manufacturers and dealers
* Five dedicated home theater displays, 2-channel audio, surround sound, and video projection systems
* Outdoor demonstration area for outdoor products
* Raffle and gift bags
“Being a strong business partner and providing outstanding support is the Aim High mission. It’s all about listening to your dealers on how to best support them and then making the commitment to make that happen,” said Chris Gilray, president of Aim High Audio Sales. “We can’t wait to see our partners at The 2nd Annual Big Show. We are excited to offer discounted travel services through The Big Show partners; Marriott Hotels, Hertz and airfare from Southwest Airlines.”
“Our registrations range from the coast of Carolina to coastal Mississippi and we are thrilled to have that kind of commitment from our dealers,” said Jon Perry, vice president, Aim High Audio Sales.
“With most of our Southeastern Zone dealers not going to CEDIA and CES this past year, the Big Show is a perfect opportunity for them to see a lot of what they missed and do so without spending a lot of money or time off the job,” said regional sales manager, Scott Johnson. “Our show is so different than any show that the dealer base is used to, that they really have to experience it firsthand to understand the impact it will have in their business and bottom line. The main take-away that the dealers will get from the show is—just how strong of a partner the Aim High Audio Sales Group could be to them to help grow their business going forward.”