The Association of Loudspeaker Manufacturing & Acoustics International (ALMA) has issued a “call for papers” for the 2014 Winter Symposium, Suppliers Unchained: Maximizing Value from Your Acoustic Component Sources.
The Symposium will be held at The Tuscany Suites & Casino, in Las Vegas, January 4-5, 2014.
This symposium will focus on loudspeaker component suppliers: spiders, cones, baskets, voice coils, magnets, etc. Additionally, cost effective quality control and standardization will be the focus of a review of ALMA standards and test and measurement technologies.
New this year, there is a one-day break before the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which runs January 7-10, to allow participants time to prepare for CES.
Papers, tutorials, seminars, and exhibits will demonstrate how the coordination and application of standards and measurements can achieve cost effective quality control from suppliers around the globe.
Papers, tutorials, and seminar topics are invited, and abstracts will be evaluated on the basis of their overall quality and relevance to the theme of the symposium, relevance and value to the industry, and practical feasibility and usage of topic and information presented. Papers and tutorials are scheduled to last 30 minutes.
Presenters should submit to ALMA:
-A title
-A 75 word or less abstract/summary suitable for reprinting in pre-symposium promotional literature
-The name, address, phone number, and a short biography of the presenter(s)
The ALMA Winter Symposium is being co-chaired by Mark Beach, Dyne Analytics and Peter Andrews, of Materion Electrofusion. Feel free to contact them to discuss your submission directly.
The closing date for the submission of abstracts is October 15, 2013. Notification of presenters will be by October 31, 2013. Presenters must be able to supply copies of presentation in electronic format by December 15, 2013 (PowerPoint, MS Word, or PDF.) Submissions should be emailed to
Registration to attend or exhibit will open in September on the ALMA website.