In its third such workshop, the owners/principals of the Bravas Group met to discuss the group’s vision, “Building the House of Bravas.” Discussions focused on its new consumer marketing program, group financial performance, standards compliance, and next-steps topics like software platforms, service plans, and future joint services.
Hosted by executive directors Paul Starkey and Steve Firszt, the event challenged its members to progress along a defined path for systematizing their businesses.

Braves Group executive director Paul Starkey Standard operating methods for financial management, performance measurement, consumer marketing, and project management are in various stages of compliance and, according to the directors, more services are coming.
The current group represents an $80 million virtual business that shares financial data with the aim of helping all members improve. The group adheres to a philosophy that developing a true system for the business benefits all, and that group-wide standardization could trigger an investment ecosystem capable of providing owners a means for monetizing their companies’ value.
Starkey presented the Summit keynote, showing members a specific path to “building the House of Bravas.” Ron Callis of OneFirefly delivered a report on the Bravas digital marketing program for high net-worth homeowners, introduced this past September. Firszt reviewed group financial performance and announced the new business intelligence automation platform, currently in beta test with several members. The group is also pursuing a project management platform so members will be able to standardize project tracking and reporting.
Starkey was enthusiastic about the group’s progress, but added, “We’re not stopping there. We are exploring a Sales Development Academy and Technical On-Boarding School, as well. Our dealers constantly need resources to hire, train, and develop great people in an unformed way.” Starkey was responsible for introducing ELAN University in 2005, the first online training program for the CI industry.
“The data clearly show that when companies conform to our methodology they see a 30 to 50 percent improvement in their profits and operating efficiency,” Firszt said. “The work these companies are doing ensures their financial health long term.”
With a current membership of 26 companies, the group is committed to having 40 compliant companies in strategic markets in North America by October, 2017.