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Display Development’s Toast to Relief Aids Flood Victims

Display Development will do its part to raise money for Colorado’s flood victims with a “Toast to Relief” during the 2013 CEDIA EXPO, in Denver.

Display Development will do its part to raise money for Colorado’s flood victims with a “Toast to Relief” during the 2013 CEDIA EXPO, in Denver.

The company will host happy hours in its Booth 3812 on Thursday and Friday, during which Display Development will ask participants to make a donation in exchange for refreshments, with proceeds going directly to the Red Cross for the benefit of Colorado Flood victims.

“Colorado has been like a second home to me—my Father lived in Durango, and I spent a lot of time here,” said Jim Burns, co-founder and president of Display Development. “We appreciate Denver and Colorado hosting us for our convention and parties, and I want Coloradoans to know that the CEDIA community cares—we’re not just passing through during this difficult time.”

“We encourage anyone who visits our booth to understand that while we’re celebrating a new line of products, we are seeking to raise funds for an important cause. We would also like to see our fellow manufacturers do the same with their events,” Burns said.

To maximize the amount contributed, donations will be collected at Display Development’s Booth 3812 throughout the duration of EXPO 2013. For additional information on how you can help, visit
