Dave Donald (left) and Ken Eagle
Kaleidescape product evangelist, Dave Donald, and Atlona’s director of field training and technical sales, Ken Eagle, were on hand March 15 at Easy Access Distribution in Burlington, MA, and will be at the Trumbull Marriott in Trumbull, CT on Thursday March 17, for product trainings. Donald focuses on “True 4K uncompressed digital download solutions” and Eagle presents on “5 Things you need to know before installing 4K.”
“Successful training events do not happen by chance,” said Steve Presti, Catalyst AV board member of Easy Access Distribution. “They have to be well thought out, planned in advance, and communicated frequently to your customers to keep the training events on the front burner. We had over 45 attendees in Massachusetts and we are looking forward to Connecticut.”
Presti noted that “key elements for successful trainings” include focusing on important lines that make a difference, keynote speakers that excite the audience with enthusiasm, product knowledge, system design, and sales applications. “Every customer has to walk away from a training with something they did not know before they attended,” said Presti. “Make that happen, and your training events will be filled with dealers who want to work on their business and understand the power of knowledge. That element of your business can’t be line listed!”
According to Ken Eagle, the Boston event was the best attended and organized training session that he had ever participated with in the Northeast.
“There were owners, decision makers, and an intelligent and informed group that asked the right questions,” said Donald. “With two trainers there for the day, there was plenty of time to cover the right material in a relaxed environment. I cannot say enough about Steve Presti and his team. I only wish other groups would step up and put on such professional, high-caliber dealer trainings.”
Founded in 2012, Catalyst AV is a network of 11 independent consumer electronics distributors serving the residential and professional AV channels in the U.S via its 23 locations. The Catalyst AV board of directors consists of Dan Haight (Pioneer Music Company), Steve Presti (Easy Access Distribution), Wally Whinna (Allnet Distributing), and executive director Helge Fischer.