Kansas City, MO–Home Theater Specialists of America (HTSA) held its 6th Custom Manager Meeting June 13-15 in Kansas City, Missouri. The meeting was attended by 52 members of the HTSA group.
This is the third of a series of middle management meeting that HTSA puts on with the Audio Boot Camp and Video Boot Camp preceding this event. A combination of member and vendor presentations along with roundtable and open discussions kept the meeting fast paced and energizing. The event began with Kurt Sykes of Audio Advice, Matt Thompson of Appollo System, and Mark LeClair of Definitive Audio discussing Software we use to make the jobs easier and How we do job costing.
John Trimbach of Niveus Media followed with a talk about How to use Windows Media PC as a high-end source. Next, Vinny Bagala of Summit Electronic Systems led a segment about hiring and finding new talent with a discourse on The Predictive Index.
Rob Gerhardt of Group Gerhardt addressed a topic called, Things you can do to attract builders, designers, and architects, He also subsequently spoke on The future of the custom installation and The importance of documentation. David Horn of Middle Atlantic Products, Keith Haas, and Brain Sandifier of Integra, and Hank Eisengrein of Universal Remote Control also presented to the members over the three-day period. Each evening was filled with lively conversation over dinner at two of Kansas Citys most popular restaurants, Jack Stack and Lidias.
Richard Glikes, executive director of HTSA, remarked about the meeting, It is pure pleasure to craft a meeting that develops into a whirlwind of enthusiasm, intellectual sharing, and new friendships that seems to take on a life of its own. We made a lasting bond through the giving of ideas so freely.
HTSA members during their Kansas City meeting