LG Electronics has launched its own non-fungible token (NFT) platform, LG Art Lab. Now available in the U.S. on the company’s TVs running webOS 5.0 or later, and accessible directly from the Home Screen, the new platform enables users to buy, sell, and enjoy high-quality digital artwork.
A convenient, one-stop solution for viewing and trading NFTs at home, the platform includes the LG Art Lab Drops feature, which profiles artists and previews new works coming soon to the platform. Meanwhile, the real-time Live Drops countdown ensures users never miss an opportunity to acquire a “just dropped” NFT.
LG’s new platform, based on the Hedera network, an enterprise-grade public ledger for the decentralized economy, makes buying and selling as simple as possible, incorporating onscreen QR codes that let users complete transactions via Wallypto — the company’s crypto-currency wallet for smartphones. Once purchased, an NFT can be traded on LG Art Lab Marketplace, where users can view transaction history, while in My Collection they can admire all of their owned artworks. When displayed on the cinematic, 16:9 aspect ratio screens of LG’s TVs, NFTs come fully to life — especially on the company’s OLED TVs, which leverage self-lit pixels to deliver infinite contrast, inky blacks, and exceptional color accuracy.
LG Art Lab welcomes the first-ever digital artwork from well-known sculptor Barry X Ball. Famous for reinterpreting classical and modernist sculptures using the latest 3D scanning and printing technologies, as well as traditional techniques, Barry X Ball is now making his debut in the world of NFT art with unique ‘Metal’ series digital works. The first of these NFT works, which capture all the textures, details, and materials — including precious metals and gemstones — used in the artist’s sculptures, will be available via the platform’s LG Art Lab Drops feature in the next weeks, with “Stone” series and other artists’ works to be added on a monthly basis.
To help users gain a deeper understanding of their favorite NFTs and the creative minds behind them, the platform also presents informative artwork descriptions and short films that illuminate the artists’ creative processes. Users can follow and learn more about each artist in the app’s profile feature and will even have the opportunity to meet some of them at upcoming, LG-sponsored art events.
For more information, visit www.lgartlab.com.