Lutron Electronics wants homeowners and business owners alike to better understand the energy-saving benefits of using its dimmers, sensors, appliance controls, and automated shading systems. To that end, Lutron is launching a national, energy-saving awareness campaign with an aggressive goal: to get every home in the United States to replace two light switches with energy-saving dimmers.

Lutron will unveil its new energy-saving website to coincide with the launch of its commercials.
Lutron is taking its message to millions of homes in America by way of four, 30-second TV commercials, which will air nationally on the Home and Garden Television (HGTV) and Do It Yourself (DIY) networks now through early 2011. The commercials feature Lutron’s new C·L (for use with dimmable CFLs and LEDs) and eco-dim dimmer collections, which, when used in a home, can save up to $50 and $30, respectively, in energy savings, per dimmer, per year, the company says.
Additionally, Lutron will unveil its new energy-saving website to coincide with the launch of the commercials. The site is full of educational tips, ideas and tools for incorporating energy-saving Lutron products throughout a home and office.
“Lutron has been committed to saving energy since 1961,” said Chris Murray, senior vice-president of Lutron’s residential solutions business. “In fact, we estimate the installed base of our products already saves the nation nearly 10 billion kWh of electricity, or approximately $1 billion in utility costs per year. This latest campaign is our most coordinated effort yet to educate the public on the many energy-saving benefits of Lutron products.”
Lutron estimates that by installing two dimmers in place of two standard light switches in every home in the U.S., the potential annual savings could be $1.2 billion in electricity and close to 25 billion pounds of CO2 – the equivalent to taking more than one million cars off the road.
“This is the kind of initiative in which everyone can play a part and make a difference,” Murray said. “Lutron dimmers start at $7.00 apiece, making them an affordable and stylish update to a home.”
In conjunction with the TV commercials and the new website, Lutron will be continuing its nationwide Mobile Experience Center (MXC) tour. Launched in the fall of 2009, the 43-foot long MXC offer visitors a first-hand experience and education of Lutron’s energy-saving products, ranging from single-light dimmers, through whole-house systems and automated shades.
The MXC features dozens of Lutron products and solutions displayed in several residential vignettes, offering visitors a true, first-hand experience of using the products. In early 2011, the MXC will be making stops in Orlando, Dallas/Fort Worth, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Southern California, parts of New Mexico, Denver, Kansas City, and St. Louis.
“Between the TV commercials, our print advertising, the new energy website, and the MXC, we’ll be engaging tens of millions of homeowners and helping them make educated decisions about ways to save energy in their homes,” Murray said.