Light control manufacturer Lutron Electronics has extended the deadline for its annual Residential System Providers Excellence Awards competition to Friday, July 27. New for 2012 is the ability to submit an entry as a video testimonial, including a tour of the project and interviews.
The competition was created in 2003 as a way to recognize the world’s best total home control projects using Lutron light and shade controls, temperature controls, and appliance modules. Close to 80 installation companies have been honored since its inception.
This year, a total of six categories will be recognized, including “Essence of Pleasance,” Best Energy Saving Application/Project, Best Window Systems Project, Best RadioRA 2 Project (retrofit), Most Unique/Creative Use of Lutron Products, and Best integration with a Security System.
“By offering the option to submit a video entry, we’re making it simpler than ever for our system providers to enter the competition,” said Michael Smith, vice-president of residential solutions at Lutron. “We’ve relaxed all of the requirements and are letting the entrants decide what they want the judges to see, so you now have the ability to complete the entry in less than an hour.”
Category finalists will be announced in mid-August and winners will be announced on Thursday, September 6, in conjunction with CEDIA EXPO in Indianapolis, IN.
Winners will receive a recognition award, attendance at an awards dinner with Lutron executives, and will have a winner’s logo added to their company listing on the Lutron website.
Click here for a complete list of rules, entry requirements, and judging criteria. All entries must be submitted using the online resource.