Meridian has thrown its support behind Audio High in its upcoming concert series featuring renowned pianist, Robert Silverman. The concerts are open to the public and proceeds will go directly to building a “Room of Magic” at Stanford Children’s Hospital in association with the Elf Foundation.
Robert Silverman
The eight-concert series will cover the entire cycle of Beethoven piano sonatas (32 in all). The Le Petit Trianon Theater in San Jose, California, will host the entire series.
Tickets may be purchased online at for either single concert of season pass; single concert seats are available for $30, $50 and $100 and season-pass seats are available for $20, $30, or $50 per concert. Student and senior tickets are available for $15.
Concert Dates
September 9 and 16, 2010
November 11 and 18, 2010
February 3 and 10, 2011
April 7 and 14, 2011
Audio High will also record and produce a CD set of all 32 sonatas with Mr. Silverman, donating all proceeds for the “Room of Magic” at Stanford Children’s Hospital.
“Audio High is not only a valued Meridian partner, but an inspiration with their dedicated efforts for charity,“ said Peter Wellikoff, CEO of Meridian America. “We are thrilled to support this astounding event to benefit the project at Stanford’s Children Hospital.”
“This concert series has been two years in the making; Robert Silverman and I have worked tirelessly to put this extraordinary event together,” said Michael Silver, Founder of Audio High. “We are pleased Meridian and other manufacturers have supported us so that we can all realize the dream of providing the children of Stanford Children’s Hospital with a room of their own.”