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Northern California Rep Firms to Merge

Two rep firms — Redwood Marketing and Profit Line Marketing — will combine their efforts to create a new rep organization serving the northern California territory, the companies revealed.

Two rep firms — Redwood Marketing and Profit Line Marketing — will combine their efforts to create a new rep organization serving the northern California territory, the companies revealed.

“Today’s market continues to be more demanding and requires a greater level of expertise than at any other time in the history of this industry,” said Jim Knight, Redwood’s president. “We sought this merger because we knew it would allow us to to put more boots on the ground and create a greater presence for our manufacturers while increasing the level of service we provide to our dealers.”

Redwood will continue to be the representative arm of the organization while Profit Line will serve as the distribution entity serving northern California, northern Nevada and Hawaii. Dealing with both retail and custom integrators, the new firm will be taking advantage of the skills of some high-powered sales professionals. Don Forbes of Profit Line is assuming the position of vice president of new market development.

Forbes said, “I am very excited about the opportunities this affords me; the ability to focus exclusively on selling, which I love, and the time to explore new markets.” In addition to exploring new these new channels, Don will also be focusing on a select group of key accounts.

The merger will take effect immediately with all staff and field personnel combining efforts to make the transition as seamless as possible.

Company Contact:
Jim Knight
