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ProSource Audio Committee Completes Strategic Planning Meetings in Asia

Meets with key audio vendor partners Harman, Sony, and Sound United.

ProSource has announced the completion of strategic planning meetings with key audio vendor partners Harman, Sony, and Sound United. The purpose of this annual trip is to represent ProSource members’ input on product roadmap development and sales and marketing strategies.

ProSource attendees included Dave Workman, president and CEO, and Tim Bashford, director of field management.

As part of ProSource’s strategic planning meetings in Asia, the Audio Committee visits key vendor, Harman.

ProSource Audio Committee members included: Murry Huppin (OneCall), Bob Cole (World Wide Stereo), Tommy Kinstle (Crutchfield), Joe Feregrino (Nebraska Furniture Mart), Steve Weiner (Listen Up), David Glassman (IQ Home Entertainment), Aaron Sholtis (HiDef Lifestyle), William McMartin (Abt Electronics), Angus Bryan (BrandsMart), and Leon Temiz (Electronics Expo).

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