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ProSource Opens Summit Registration

ProSource has opened registration for its summit.

ProSource has opened registration for its summit. The summit runs March 5–8, 2017 at The World Marriott Center in Orlando, FL. ProSource members, vendors, and the press may register by clicking here[http ://].

The event features a voice recognition panel that includes Amazon,, Control4, and Harman. ProSource Summit education workshops include “Proven Ways to Reduce Waste from Navigate Consulting” and “Grow Sales of High Margin Stereo Components” from the Deborah Smith Group. The featured event presenter is Steve Spurrier, Heisman Trophy winner, and former head football coach of the University of Florida.

“Voice recognition is becoming more pervasive in today’s consumer environment, and we are excited to offer this highly relevant content to our members,” said Andy Orozco, director of business development for ProSource. “Keeping members’ success in mind, we have built this agenda so members will walk away with proven strategies and tactics to help their business from all our educational workshops.”
