As part of a continuing initiative to expand its local presence across the U.S., SnapAV has acquired Custom Plus Distributing, a regional distributor on the West Coast. Custom Plus operates branches in Seattle, Portland, Sacramento, San Jose, and Los Angeles, all of which offer a robust product selection and specialize in personalized sales support.
The acquisition of Custom Plus increases SnapAV’s ability to deliver coast-to-coast coverage and reaffirms its commitment to bringing more local options to dealers across the country. In the near future, dealers will be able to purchase SnapAV products alongside the existing product lineup at Custom Plus locations. SnapAV and its local distribution centers (Allnet, Volutone, and MRI) will continue to operate as usual.
Custom Plus will retain its name, team, brands, and policies going forward. Current Custom Plus president Bob Oliver will continue to oversee Custom Plus and Oliver Marketing. Vice president Mike Munger will focus on Custom Plus Home Electronics Sales and Operations.
Both SnapAV and Custom Plus dealers will receive communication in the coming weeks regarding further details.
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