San Clemente, CA–Sonance salutes the U.S. military by contributing to the redesign of the Liberty USO Visitors Center located in Terminal A-East inside Philadelphias International Airport.
Hoishik’s Joe Stay and Brendan Hoishik along with Servicemen at the opening celebration.May 29th marked the grand opening of the enhanced 24-hour resource center which has been created for traveling United States military personnel and their families as a home away from home between flights or during delays. The Liberty USO Center features a kitchen, dormitory, laundry facility and a full home theater filled with 18 Sonance in-wall and in-ceiling loudspeakers installed by local custom installation integrator, Hoishik of Spring City, PA.
Joe Stay of Hoishik said, Hoishik was eager to support our troops and their families with this important facility. We are delighted that our vendors supported this endeavor with equipment and other necessities to make this come to fruition.
Sonance is proud to be a sponsor of the Liberty USO Visitors Center as a means to provide military families enjoyment and relaxation for their service to the United States, said Ari Supran, chief marketing and sales officer at Sonance.