SpeakerCraft has promoted John West to vice president of operations. In addition to his roles in management of global logistics and warehousing functions, West will now oversee the customer service department.

John West
West has been with SpeakerCraft for nearly 7 years and helped in the implementation of an extensive “Cycle Count Program,” helping to reduce annual inventory variance to less than 3 percent.
“John has been instrumental in many of the successes that we have had over the past several years, from creating warehouse training programs to implementing stock replenishment processes,” said Jeremy Burkhardt, SpeakerCraft’s president. “His ability to create and administer programs and processes will strengthen our customer service and showcase why we deserve to be number one in customer service once again.”
Prior to being a leader at SpeakerCraft, West was the VP of Operations for several local companies that manufactured golf carts, limousines and motorcycles. West is a retired Army veteran having served in Granada, Panama, and Iraq.
“The opportunities I have been afforded at Speakercraft have been bountiful and I look forward to new challenges every day as we develop a team that is dedicated to the development of the best and most innovative product in the industry, the most efficient and timely shipping service, and a premier customer service experience which will continue to ensure the success of Speakercraft and maintain our status as a leader in the industry,” West said.