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URC Mission:Control Lands on West Coast

URC 's Mission:Control educational events are coming to the West Coast.     The announced West Coast dates are June 18 to 20, June 20 to 22, June 25 to 27, and June 27 to 29. The training events will be held at the Custom Hotel, a boutique facility near Los Angeles International Airport for de

URC‘s Mission:Control educational events are coming to the West Coast.

The announced West Coast dates are June 18 to 20, June 20 to 22, June 25 to 27, and June 27 to 29. The training events will be held at the Custom Hotel, a boutique facility near Los Angeles International Airport for dealer convenience.

Mission:Control offers extensive two and one-half day training with full certification for URC’s new Total Control whole-house control system, which is now available to dealers. The program features a significant hands-on section, which provides attending dealers the opportunity to put their classroom training to immediate, real-world use.

Mission:Control events at URC’s East Coast headquarters have been completely booked in April, May and June. Now URC is responding to dealers in the western United States who would like to have additional options to attend a Mission:Control event closer to home.

All URC Mission:Control training events on the West Coast and at headquarters provide dealers with eight CEDIA CEU training credits.

“At URC, we have our ears tuned to our dealers, and we always stay on top of their growing training needs and trends. We’re pleased to respond to their requests by bringing Mission:Control to L.A.,” said Doug Cole, URC general manager and senior vice president. “These events will replicate the successful, immersive experiences we’ve been delivering at our worldwide headquarters in New York.”

“[Mission:Control was] one of the best training sessions I have ever attended,” said Matt Brotzge, head programmer and lead salesperson at Surround Sounds. “I now feel far more comfortable designing, selling and programming the Total Control line.”

The Los Angeles events will be run by URC’s top-level training staff, and will feature appearances by top executives of the company on select dates. As with the New York events, the Los Angeles sessions will offer free hotel accommodations and hosted meals to attendees, and the hotel offers convenient, free airport shuttle service.

Interested direct URC dealers can sign up for these exclusive events online via URC University, and should contact their URC sales manager for the PIN code necessary to register. Dealers are encouraged to contact Amanda at 800-901-0800 (URC headquarters) if they have any registration questions.
