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WAVE Website Goes Mobile-Friendly, Caters to Security Trade

Market research convinced WAVE Electronics that a customized security channel website and a mobile-friendly website should be at the top of its priority list for 2014.

Market research convinced WAVE Electronics that a customized security channel website and a mobile-friendly website should be at the top of its priority list for 2014. Both have now been successfully implemented, the Houston, TX, distributor says.

With the addition of the mobile-friendly site, approved dealers can now view products and information in a way that caters to a mobile device. Instead of simply “re-canning” the current website into a mobile site or app, the team worked to create the site from the ground up. This allowed enhanced simplicity of the experience, while still offering all of the features preferred by dealers, such as wish lists, account history, rewards activity, and events sections.

Simultaneous to the mobile site launch, WAVE has also added a dedicated security website. With its growth and focus on the security channel, it was necessary to provide a website that meets the needs of the security professional. Product category headers, suggested products, news or events, and marketing will be customized to this dealer. “Making it easier for the security professional to find the products they need was our top priority,” said Mark Fukuda, president of WAVE Electronics.

New or existing dealers will have a choice, when they visit the newly updated website, to select “AV” or “Security” as their preference. The web experience will then be remembered and customized to their needs. Both types of products can still be easily found on either site, however, and dealers may still toggle back and forth between the sites, in the event a change is needed.

While the company maintains its status as a leading 2GIG distributor in the country, additional resources are being implemented in the security channel to grow that avenue of business. WAVE has also begun hiring dedicated security representatives to coincide with the security website launch and the continued focus.
