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ESP/SurgeX’s New Envision Provides Power Monitoring and Analytics for Integrators

Envision is a power diagnostics system that measures and records power conditions and presents detailed data in live or date-stamped reports.

ESP/SurgeX has developed Envision, a power diagnostics system that measures and records power conditions and presents detailed data in live or date-stamped reports. As integrators and electricians work together to complete a job, Envision provides energy data that can be used to accurately identify the source of common electrical issues the first time, saving money for the consumer as well as time and resources for the integrator and electrician by preventing unnecessary services or repairs. 

The ESP/SurgeX Envision is a practical solution for multiple scenarios. Integrators can use the device as a pre-install “electricity health meter” to identify and fix preexisting power issues before any equipment is installed. A clean bill of electrical health has the benefit of prolonging equipment lifespans and reducing the potential for power-related disruptions. 

Envision can be easily attached to existing installations and left on site where Envision can analyze and record power anomalies in real time and provide power management functionality. When used in conjunction with the ESP/SurgeX Remote Portal, Envision offers the convenience of 24/7 recording of all power conditions, so issues can be reviewed and fixed without a site visit, thus cutting down the time it takes to diagnose the root cause of system problems.

“When it comes to solving any problem, there’s no better tool available than access to information,” said Shannon Townley, president of SurgeX. “We’ve heard from plenty of integrators who’ve expressed there’s a real need for solutions that can identify problems as they happen on- or off-site so those issues can be promptly resolved. In situations where power is the issue, Envision levels the playing field, giving integrators and electricians access to the same information so they can work together to make educated decisions based off data and act on what’s best for the customer.” 

To mitigate downtime and disturbances, Envision constantly measures power data, including line-neutral voltage, neutral-ground voltage, amperage, crest factor, power factor, line frequency, and energy usage. A real-time scope meter provides real-time analysis of power-related events to easily identify problems and trends. Envision also records the specific time and date of over/under voltages, surges, power outages, and shut offs, and presents the data via the live interface or downloadable reports. 

Other features of the Envision include an internal battery so it can keep working and recording data, even during a power outage. Flexible communication options make Envision compatible with Zigbee, 3G cellular, wi-fi, and Bluetooth protocols, as well. Envision’s software offers comprehensive analysis of power quality and consumption, giving both integrators and electricians the knowledge and hard data necessary to troubleshoot a wide range of issues. 

“Envision is the most advanced energy intelligence tool ESP/SurgeX has ever developed, and it will solve a lot of headaches for installers and homeowners,” said Townley. “Whether it’s reducing service calls, stopping equipment lockups, improving power management capabilities or solving other problems, Envision will help dealers and homeowners become smarter about power.”
