Grandview Screen USA, the American arm of the China-based projection screen manufacturer, recently earned Imaging Science Foundation (ISF) certification for three of its products.
On August 27, 2015, Grandview Screen USA submitted several projection screens to ISF to be tested for certification. In attendance for testing from Grandview Screen USA were Robert Grawet, president, Joan Lighty, COO, and Dan Drook, VP of sales and marketing. ISF owner and president Joel Silver said it was important for the Grandview team to attend the tests to gain first-hand knowledge of the test procedures.
“I looked at the Grandview screens prior to the tests, and saw they all had great potential,” Silver noted.
By the end of testing, three screens received certification.
“This is an exciting achievement, and we are very proud of the results,” Grawet said. “We look forward to providing high-quality ISF certified screens to our clients.”
It is Grandview’s goal to produce new products that will meet the enhanced quality certifications of ISF, according to Grawet.
Grandview Crystal Screen Co. Ltd. offers a complete line of products throughout the world. The company was founded in 1999 and established a North American presence in Canada at that time. Today, Grandview’s research and development center and manufacturing facility is located in the Panyu District of Guangzhou City in China.
For additional information about Grandview contact Grandview Screen USA at 306.481.3490, or email info@grandviewscreenusa.com