Jetbuilt’s AV sales and project management platform will now include multi-currency workflow. The new release will be unveiled at the upcoming Integrated Systems Europe (ISE), February 6-9 in Amsterdam. This feature is in direct response to customer feedback and is especially responsive to European integrator needs.
Key features allow integrators to:
• Set a default selling currency for their company (or for each of their company’s office locations).
• Define multiple purchasing currencies for each location, which then provides on-tap the A/V product lines which are available in those currencies.
• Attach a default selling currency to any client to be used for their future projects.
• Perform real-time currency conversion, updating costs and profit margins from the various purchasing currencies to the selling currency.
“As you can imagine, this functionality offers immense speed and advantages to a slow and complex issue,” said Paul Dexter, founder of Jetbuilt. “For Europeans and other global integrators who commonly work in various currencies, this provides extreme convenience, efficiency and power.”
The AV project platform allows users to readily populate a quote across currencies and differing regional variations in product lines.
“That means when Jetbuilt connects a dealer to those different currencies, their search results automatically pull the products available in those regions, saving time and errors for both the integrator and the manufacturer alike,” Dexter said.
Jetbuilt’s core features include the on-tap product database, dealer pricing integration, cloud team collaboration, change orders, purchase orders, accounting and CRM integrations, and their Project Overview page.