Roon Labs debuted the Roon Ready hardware program at CES in Las Vegas this year. The program puts Roon technology into network audio players from partner companies. It enables networked audio systems intended to meet the needs of performance audio enthusiasts.
“Audio enthusiasts have been forced to choose between having simple and reliable networked audio, from companies like Apple and Sonos, or having high performance quality audio on the network, with technologies like UPNP,” said Enno Vandermeer, CEO of Roon Labs. “Roon Ready certification means that network players from any of our hardware partners will work as simply and reliably as they would if they were our own devices, while they deliver bit perfect playback at the highest quality levels.”
At its most basic, the Roon Ready program is designed to make networked audio reliable across many different hardware.
The program allows for playback of files up to 24 bits/384 kHz PCM, DSD, and clocking off the receiving device.
Roon Ready allows partner devices to be grouped and synchronized as a single whole-home system.
“Networked audio offers countless benefits, but until now its complexity and lack of reliability have kept it on the margins of performance audio. With Roon Ready, we look forward to teaming with our partners to make networked audio widely adopted in the high performance space,” said Vandermeer.
The Roon Ready program currently has 30+ partners, including Audio Alchemy, Auralic, Bel Canto, Bryston, Cary Audio, Constellation Audio, dCS, Exasound, LH Labs, Lumin, PS Audio, Small Green Computer, Sonore, SoTM, and TotalDAC.
The Auralic Aries and Aries LE will be the first devices certified as Roon Ready with the January 6 release of the 3.0 Aries firmware and can be heard at the Venetian Towers Suite 29-122.
Updates from IQ Audio, Small Green Computer, and Sonore will also ship this month that will certify devices as Roon Ready.
Partners showing Roon Ready prototype devices at the Venetian Towers will be Audio Alchemy (34-208) and LH Labs (35-110).