SunBriteTV, a SnapAV brand, has announced a redesigned and re-engineered Veranda Series of outdoor televisions, including enhancements that offer better image quality, expanded control and audio options, and a sleeker design. The upgrades include full HDR support, a significantly brighter screen, IP control, and plug-and-play compatibility for SunBrite outdoor soundbars. Like the original Veranda series, the new line is weatherproof, comes with a premium direct-lit 4K UHD screen, and is designed for permanent outdoor installation in full-shade areas.

Perhaps the most significant enhancement is the addition of HDR. With a brighter 400-nit screen, Veranda is now 30 percent brighter than its predecessor.
SunBrite is one of the first outdoor TV manufacturers to offer complete IP control, making it easy to add Veranda to the rest of the system, and Veranda’s built-in amplifier and plug-and-play compatibility simplifies the process of adding a SunBrite outdoor soundbar.
In addition to performance improvements, the new Veranda also has a new sleeker, more contemporary look, with thinner bezels across all screen sizes and a smooth metallic-black finish.
New Veranda Series TVs in 43-, 55-, and 65-inch screen sizes will be available September 17th. A 75-inch model will follow in Q4.
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