Kaleidescape has announced its latest addition to the Terra movie server line. The new entry-level compact Terra 6 terabyte (TB) is shipping now.

“The compact Terra 6TB, when combined with a Strato C player, replaces the Kaleidescape Strato S as our entry-level system, while providing the ultimate playback experience with significantly greater scalability and performance,” says Tayloe Stansbury, CEO, Kaleidescape.
With the power to download feature-length 4K movies in as little as ten minutes on a gigabit internet connection, the compact Terra 6TB provides four times faster movie downloads than the Strato S 6TB all-in-one player-server. In addition, a compact Terra 6TB can serve up to five simultaneous 4K Ultra HD playbacks on Strato players in different rooms, compared to only two simultaneous playbacks for Strato S. The compact Terra 6TB can download movies while simultaneously supporting playbacks on Strato players, which is something Strato S cannot do. And movie lovers can scale up their storage by adding a compact Terra 6TB, 12TB, or 18TB or a full-sized Terra 24TB, 48TB, or 72TB.

Designed with a profile similar to a Strato C movie player, the compact Terra 6TB can be mounted beside a Strato C in a 1U rack space, using Kaleidescape’s custom rack mount.
The Kaleidescape compact Terra 6TB movie server is initially offered as a bundle with the Strato C movie player at a special price of $7995 through March 31, 2022.
For more information, visit www.kaleidescape.com.