Stewart Filmscreen has introduced the Phantom HALR Plus screen that lets clients enjoy a superior visual experience with the lights on. Phantom HALR Plus is configurable with all Stewart fixed frame and electric screen systems, including Luxus, WallScreen Deluxe, and Balón Edge.

With a peak gain of 1.3 and excellent high ambient light rejecting capabilities, Phantom HALR Plus produces deep contrast in high ambient light environments. There is no color shift or skewing of primary and secondary colors and it provides excellent black levels.
- Material Type: Flexible Front Maximum Size: 40’(h) x 90’(w) Peak Gain: 1.3
- Half Gain: 27°
- Ambient Light Rejection Value: 80%
- Ambient Light Resistance: Excellent
- Minimum Throw Distance: 1.6 x Image Width
Acoustic Transparency — MicroPerf X2 THX Ultra Certified – Acoustically Transparent
- Provides a specialized diamond-shaped perforation pattern featuring over 30,000 precision perforations per square foot at twenty-thousandths of an inch in diameter
- Allows for optimal speaker placement
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