Concord, CA — HAI (Home Automation Inc.) has joined the D-Tools Manufacturer Vantage Point (MVP) Program, making it easy for D-Tools System Integrator users to specify HAI products for their client engagements.
“We’re pleased to offer D-Tools users direct access to our product specifications directly through the software they use everyday,” said Allison Read, director of marketing for HAI. “We anticipate that our relationship with D-Tools will greatly benefit not only D-Tools users but also open up new channels of integrators for us to share our world-class line of automation and security products.”
“We look forward to partnering with HAI,” said Adam Stone, president of D-Tools. “Their innovative product line and commitment to customer service make them a perfect fit for our MVP program. We are truly pleased to welcome HAI as a new partner and we look forward to a mutually beneficial business relationship.”
D-Tools System Integrator software enables systems integrators and custom installation professionals to create detailed projects managed with automated proposals, scheduling, pick lists, purchase orders, drawings, and additional documents that streamline the integrated installation of audio and video products. By using a single, shared project file, system integrators and custom installers can download free product information from D-Tools’ comprehensive database of tens of thousands of products and their accessories, giving them the distinct advantage of designing systems using the most current product information, while saving hours of product research time.