Dallas, TX–Close to one-half (49 percent) of U.S. Internet users who plan to purchase a portable gaming device want a Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP), according to Parks Associates’ Mobile Entertainment Platforms and Services, a new consumer study.
Given this level of interest, PSP is in a good position to challenge the other devices in the portable gaming domain, especially devices from Nintendo, the current market leader. Gameboy Advanced and Gameboy DS, both from Nintendo, scored only a combined 33 percent among U.S. Internet users with purchase plans for a portable gaming device. Nokia N-Gage lags far behind with only four percent of future planned purchases.
“Sony’s aggressive marketing and smart positioning have paid off, with more than 1.3 million units sold in the U.S. in less than two months, with no signs of its sales tapering off,” said Yuanzhe (Michael) Cai, senior analyst at Parks Associates. “Our research further shows that the PSP’s sleek, sexy design and support for music and video playback bolster its already strong appeal among gamers older than 18.”
Mobile Entertainment Platforms and Services, a new consumer study from Parks Associates, surveys more than 2,000 U.S. Internet users (including teenagers) regarding their ownership, usage, and interest in different mobile/portable entertainment platforms and services.
For more information, visit www.parksassociates.com.