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Stoerger Takes President, CEO Role at ADA

Richard D. Stoerger is the new president and CEO of Audio Design Associates (ADA), the 39-year-old high-end audio products company he joined as an employee in 1988 and purchased back on May 24 of this year.

Richard D. Stoerger is the new president and CEO of Audio Design Associates (ADA), the 39-year-old high-end audio products company he joined as an employee in 1988 and purchased back on May 24 of this year.

Stoerger began his career when he joined ADA in January of 1988 as the firm was building its dealer sales program. “I have always had a passion for electronics and had made a buck or two running AV at corporate events, a summer camp in addition to running Abracadabra Dance Systems, my own DJ company,” he said. “A friend of mine met Eric Leight who had just taken ADA to their first CES. The two talked about their work and my buddy Matt said that I had to check out this company in White Plains that professionally installed stereo systems in homes. I was astonished: ‘You can make money doing that?’”

A week later, ADA’s co-founder Peter McKean hired Stoerger as a sales associate.

Stoerger took on the reigns of national sales manager in the summer of his first year. He rose to the position of vice president of sales in 1995 shortly after the sudden passing of McKean. In 1998, ADA co-founder Albert G. Langella, CEDIA’s first Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, made Stoerger a partner in the firm where he assumed the role of chief operating officer. During his near three-decade stint with ADA, Stoerger was also instrumental in the formation of CEDIA, including delivering a keynote address at the formation meeting in the fall of 1989. Over the years, he has served on the CEDIA Board of Directors, chaired its Regional Education Program, Management Conference and Manufacturers Council, and was inducted in the first class of CEDIA Fellows. Stoerger also serves on the CTA’s Audio Board.

In addition to taking over all director responsibilities, Stoerger also moved the company to a new facility in Yonkers, NY.

“This past May was a whirlwind with both buying out ADA and moving the company out of a building we have occupied since 1984,” he said. “Our new facility is more ideally suited for engineering and manufacturing while providing us with a cleaner corporate appearance. At a time of new beginnings, everything around us also looks and feels new. It is a great way to start a new day. My goal is continue our impeccable heritage of providing great-sounding solutions to the custom installation channel while proudly manufacturing our components in the United States of America.”

Stoerger is extremely honored to note that all of ADA’s personnel have chosen to take this ride with him, including Langella, who will continue to oversee engineering and production. “I am thrilled to report that in addition to production being fully operational, that Albert’s lab is up and running, too,” Stoerger said. “He is already preparing the first of our new products, the SAK-16×150 Swiss Army Knife Power Amplifier. And there are more incredible solutions in the works. We are ready to take center stage yet again at our coming out party—CEDIA 2016!”

At a time of such dramatic change, Stoerger remains nostalgic while looking to the future. “If you asked me back in 1988 what I would be doing today, I don’t think that the then 27-year-old would have even considered this day,” he noted. “After all, how many in our industry can look back three decades from the same desk? But I really, really like what I do. I think our industry is an amazing collection of honest, hardworking, and hardheaded entrepreneurs. And I love ADA, including our people, our products, our vendors, customers, and friends. I take great pride representing a brand that reflects my own personal sense of integrity. And while it is no small task to build “Rolls Royce” into any brand, it is even harder to maintain that reputation year after year, decade upon decade.

“I now I have an opportunity to fully steer ADA through a new world where the true art of custom installation relies more than ever on making the audio experience, be it in the home cinema or the entire home, the best it can be. In a sea of ‘me-too’ audio solutions often based on the same mass-made platform, ADA can lead the conversation, provide direction, and show dealers and their customers why they shouldn’t just settle for ’good enough.’ I mean, who gets to spend their life doing that?”

ADA will not be exhibiting on the show floor at CEDIA but instead will be holding meetings in its suite in the Omni Hotel adjacent to the convention center. All are welcome and can arrange a meeting by contacting Richard at 914.946.9595 or via email at
