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CEDIA Advocates at the Michigan State Capitol

As the association expands initiatives to protect integrators, members are rising to the occasion.

CEDIA marked a significant milestone in its advocacy efforts with the CEDIA Legislative Day at the Michigan State Capitol on Oct. 18, 2023. Under the leadership of CEDIA director of government affairs, Darren Reaman, and CEDIA global president and CEO, Daryl Friedman, this event underscored the critical role of skilled trades in Michigan and the need for a conducive regulatory environment that bolsters the smart home technology industry.

CEDIA Legislative Day
Photo by Bryan Travers

Michigan is one of 24 states that has neither licensing nor exemptions for Class 2 and Class 3 power limited circuits as defined by the National Electrical Code, causing ambiguity as to what an integrator is permitted to perform within the home environment.

CEDIA’s primary goal was to introduce the industry’s vital work and the critical contributions of integrators throughout Michigan to legislative leaders. The event also emphasized the overall importance of supporting skilled trades industries.

Ahead of the day, CEDIA issued a resounding call to its members and fellow residential technology professionals in Michigan to unite and amplify their collective voice — and they answered.

Throughout the day, 21 different legislative meetings were held, including one with leaders from the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) on the importance of a supportive regulatory environment for the industry. A special lunchtime session provided a platform for CEDIA leaders and Senator Mark Huizenga to share invaluable insights on home technology policy. The day’s proceedings concluded with a closing session at the Michigan Legislative Consultants offices where the group shared their experiences and developed plans for future legislative days.

CEDIA Legislative Day 2
Photo by Bryan Travers

This pioneering in-person state lobby day is part of a broader expansion of CEDIA’s government affairs efforts. The expansion includes the recruitment of statewide leaders and another upcoming advocacy day in 2024 in Washington, D.C.

For more information on CEDIA’s government affairs efforts and to get involved, visit or contact Darren Reaman at [email protected].
