In our series of #CEDIAShares blogs, we’re talking with exhibitors about the hottest technologies and trends they’re looking to see at CEDIA Expo 2024.
Q&A with Blake Vackar, director of sales at Just Video Walls.
Why Exhibit at CEDIA?
Why exhibit and attend CEDIA? That’s easy — because CEDIA is like your favorite family holiday for both manufactures and dealers. Seriously, it’s the one time of the year we get both sides of the CEDIA family together for a week of quality personal interactions. We break bread at industry events together, we all get to see the future of the industry, and, most important, we have the opportunity to build lasting personal relationships with each other. Online meetings have their place in the new age, but nothing is better than an actual face-to-face meeting at a show.
What’s the most exciting trend you expect to see at the show?
This is one of those times when we see both the future and the past occupying the same space. MicroLED walls are officially taking over the big-screen experience formally held firmly for the last 100 years by projection and screens. Performance and price have begun to align, allowing for early adopters to adopt MicroLED theaters and experience rooms and to enjoy a no-compromise image in any environment. I’ve spent the last 15 years focused on the traditional projection and screen approach, so you can only imagine the glee I feel at being able to offer a no-excuses and never compromised, better big-screen experience. Given that, the thing I look forward to the most at CEDIA 2024 is turning on dealers to this new foundational technology.
What will you focus on at the show?
I love a great live product demo. I am just a sucker for a passionate pitch that gets my mind spinning and my blood pumping. That is what I will focus on at CEDIA 2024. Opening dealer’s eyes to the potential of MicroLED to their businesses and customers. Education dealers and unlocking their own potential to sell and be creative. I’m a teapot, and I will be pouring knowledge from my spout.
To learn more, check out Just Video Walls in booth #3520 at CEDIA Expo 2024 and visit https://justvideowalls.com.