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CEDIA Opens Submission for Presentations

CEDIA has invited members of the industry to share their expertise and become a part of creating the most up-to-date and in-depth education the residential electronics systems industry has to offer by submitting a proposal for 2013 EXPO presentations, as well as year round training opportunities.

CEDIA has invited members of the industry to share their expertise and become a part of creating the most up-to-date and in-depth education the residential electronics systems industry has to offer by submitting a proposal for 2013 EXPO presentations, as well as year round training opportunities. 

Presentations focusing on current and/or emerging technologies or business practices that are relevant to electronic systems contractors (ESCs) that are working in the residential field are most desired. CEDIA is specifically seeking engaging presentations that fall into one of the following categories:

• Business Growth – Strategic approaches and opportunities for ESCs to diversify and strengthen their businesses to reach new levels of success.
• Operational Excellence – Exemplary practices that enhance the day-to-day operations of ESC businesses.
• Emerging Trends – Introduction to upcoming technologies and trends with an understanding on how to implement them.
• Forging Alliances – Best practices and opportunities for ESCs to build and strengthen relationships with industry professionals, peers, customers, and industry partners.
• Technical Excellence – Technical and design skills for ESCs to master and take into the field.

ESCs, manufacturers, distributors, professional service vendors, consultants, and industry-related professionals are all encouraged to submit presentation proposals. 

The deadline for 2013 EXPO submissions is October 15, 2012. Year round presentation are accepted on a rolling basis and can be presented in a variety of formats including webinars, videos, podcasts, and more. 

Additional information on the 2013 Call for Presentations may be found at Questions about the 2013 Call for Presentations can be directed to Lisa Duval.
