Turbine Media Group has released The Texas Chainsaw Massacre on 4K UHD Blu-ray with a 13.1 Auro-3D mix.
Wilfried Van Baelen, CEO of Auro Technologies, stated, “To have such an iconic and influential movie released again in Auro-3D, is truly worth the excitement. We are glad to have worked with Turbine Media Group to have this movie mixed at Galaxy Studios and to soon release this on 4K UHD Blu-ray. Having 4K image combined with true 3D sound, will uplift this classic tale to a new dimension.”
Consumers can maximize the Auro-3D immersive experience at home with Auro-3D enabled AV receiver and speakers or enjoy the soundtrack in 5.1. Territories featuring the Auro audio technology include Germany, Switzerland, and Austria.