CEDIA will be offering its traditional networking training in the form of a three-day boot camp at CEDIA headquarters in Indianapolis this summer and fall. CEDIA Advanced Networking Boot Camp, offered June 22-24 and November 2-4, covers advanced networking topics and provides attendees with the skills needed to install and manage a high performance residential IP network.
“Knowing the ins and outs of the network represents a necessity for home technology professionals,” said Vin Bruno, CEDIA CEO. “Homeowners expect a seamless, uninterrupted experience and as the number of connected devices continues to increase, it will be up to home technology professionals to deliver a solution that is reliable and secure. That’s why this training continues to be one of our most requested offerings.”
Boot camp attendees will discuss, conceptualize, and implement networking concepts such as virtual local area networks (VLANs) and virtual private networks. This training offers a mix of classroom lectures, demonstrations and more than eight in-depth, hands-on lab exercises. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to sit for the CEDIA Electronic Systems Certified- Networking Specialist certification exam at the end of boot camp.
The training is recommended for those with a fundamental understanding of networking and IP and the ability to successfully configure a residential router and access point. CEDIA offers the following fundamental networking training courses online: Network Cabling Infrastructure, IP for Technicians, and Wireless Network Technologies.
Registration for the June boot camp is open, cost to participate is $950 for CEDIA members and $1,200 for non members. Early bird savings are available until May 25, 2016. Additional information about networking boot camp and CEDIA’s other training offerings can be found at Cedia’s training web portal.