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CEA Creates Audio Promotion for Retailers

The Audio Board of the Consumer Electronics Association, along with Concord Records, is organizing a new fall promotion, called the Great Audio Experience, designed to boost sales of audio equipment during the upcoming holiday season.

Arlington, VA — The Audio Board of the Consumer Electronics Association, along with Concord Records, is organizing a new fall promotion, called the Great Audio Experience, designed to boost sales of audio equipment during the upcoming holiday season.

Beginning in November, stores across the United States will be selling the popular Concord Records CD, “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” Consumers who purchase this CD will find an insert card inviting them to visit to find a participating retailer where they can hear a demonstration of high-quality audio products and walk away with a free CD sampler produced by Phil Ramone, featuring hot new Concord recording artists.

CEA will be providing 50 CD sampler discs per retail company (not store location) free of charge. Additional copies of the sampler CD are available for purchase at cost ($2 per disc), but CEA needs to know the final quantity order by Thursday, September 20, for dealers to take advantage of the reduced $2/disc replication cost.

E-mail by 5 p.m. Eastern on September 22 to purchase additional sampler CDs for your store. Include in your e-mail the quantity desired (outside the 50 CEA is providing you), the billing and delivery address, as well as ample contact information.Additional CDs will not be available for purchase after September 22 for this pilot Great Audio Experience campaign.
