Harrisburg, PA–D&H Distributing announces it has signed with a number of new manufacturer partners offering innovative peripherals, components and accessories.
D&H has entered agreements with manufacturers such as 3Dconnexion, a Logitech company, whose advanced SpaceNavigator 3D mouse lets users pilot through 3D scenery with unprecedented ease, enhancing the navigation of applications such as Google Earth with what’s been called an addictive freedom. Unlike mice confined to motion on two flat planes, SpaceNavigator allows effortless movement and control within 3D worlds, by simply moving the controller cap to simultaneously pan, zoom and rotate without stopping to select commands.
“D&H has repeatedly shown a willingness to put the reseller’s needs first in introducing unique products to the market. To their customers’ benefit, they don’t take the conservative route in backing cutting-edge technology,” said Mike Crosby, vice president of sales and marketing at 3Dconnexion. We’re excited to have such a progressive advocate for the SpaceNavigator 3D mouse, which has created a new niche for peripherals as 3D technology continues to expand beyond the professional market and into consumer applications, such as Google Earth.”
Some of D&H’s other new vendors include Callpod, whose wireless accessories include the Chargepod, a six-way charging device that allows users to charge multiple mobile electronics with a single power cord; and the Dragon, a 100+-meter range Bluetooth headset that allows hands-free roaming throughout the office or home environment. In addition, Callpods Phoenix Bluetooth Mobile Conferencing System is expected to be available from D&H in mid-November.
TiVo is another new D&H partner. This popular vendor now boasts an HD box to accommodate High Definition content. D&H seeks out manufacturers such as these, whose merchandise delivers break-out capabilities.
Without early supporters like D&H, such ingenuitive features might take longer to gain momentum and build demand in the fieldand more VARs would miss getting in on the ground-floor opportunity to leverage their amenities.
“We’re in a competitive industry, and there are only so many sure-fire ways for VARs to differentiate themselves,” said Dan Schwab, vice president of marketing at D&H. “When items surface that have something that no one else has been able to duplicate yet, it’s a key selling feature for a system, and sometimes that only has a short-lived window. D&H can’t justify withholding support until further notice. The earlier these products can be made available, the more unique and valuable they are.”
D&H has built a reputation of investing in nascent technologies earlier than many competing distributors have been willing to make such a commitment. The company was an early promoter of emerging vendors in categories such as GPS, biometric security, SMB VoIP and other areas that have evolved into more commonplace and lucrative sales areas.
Some other emerging vendors that D&H has added in the past three months include:
XO Vision, which offers mobile A/V equipment for the car, from rear-view cameras to monitors that are incorporated into the vehicle’s sun visor, headrest or mirrors.
IronKey’s encrypted USB flash drives, which make the case for hardware-based security, providing military-grade privacy and stealth web browsing.
Yoggie, whose Linux-based, titanium grade secure USB sticks offer 13 integrated security applications for safe mobile computing.
Antennas Direct, whose accessibly priced PF7 cherrywood picture frame features a discreet UHF antenna that receives HD television.
VAF, whose high fidelity speakers, including the Microsoft Zune-compatible “Octavio” line, integrate easily with the homeowner’s TV, DVD player, gaming console, or other home entertainment sources.
Visit, www.dandh.com