Home Technology Specialists of America (HTSA) has launched a completely revamped web presence, centered on a totally reconceived and redesigned website at www.htsa.com. The buying group’s new design offers much more detailed information on the organization, but with an upgraded navigation and menu structure.
In planning this upgrade project for the organization’s online presence, a goal was set to add a deeper database of important information on HTSA’s membership, its roster of participating vendors, group events, and programs. Another goal was to make the information on the website clearer, more concise, and easier to access. In some situations, these goals can be contradictory, but group management mandated that they be complementary in the new design.
“Designing a website that can present information in a way that is meaningful for multiple constituencies is a tricky proposition,” said Jon Robbins, HTSA executive director. “I am confident that this new design at HTSA.com manages to accomplish that in an elegant and thoughtful manner. Whether you are a current member looking for details on our next group event, or a dealer exploring the benefits of becoming a member and seeking to apply to join, you can easily find these details on our new website with literally just a click or two.”
The new HTSA website also makes it easier for prospective members to apply to join the group. HTSA’s new website also includes a special “Member Login” access to the group’s private intranet. Here members can quickly and easily access information specific to their programs. Also, an event sign-up area simplifies the process for members to reserve space at the group’s upcoming events.