LiteTouch has become a member of Savant‘s Partner in Excellence Program, designed to deliver dealers best-in-breed integration solutions.
As part of that integration partnership, Savant introduced the Lighting Auto Population feature to the RacePoint Blueprint design software. This feature allows system programmers to auto-populate buttons for a LiteTouch Lighting Control system based on real time data.
Specifically, LiteTouch and Savant programmers will be able to import the lighting loads list from the LiteWare design and programming software file into the Racepoint Blueprint, Savant design software. The LiteWare LW4 file is converted using the Savant lightingFileToPlist or TrueImageBuilder, into an information table that can be imported into Racepoint Blueprint, Savant design software.
This feature reduces the time and effort required to setup the LiteTouch lighting control system by creating a table for each lighting component in RacePoint Blueprint to store the dynamic data required for that device, according to the company. RacePoint Blueprint will then use the table along with the component data table controller and a template screen to auto-populate a screen for the service.
“This new tool will eliminate frustrating programming hours spent entering the loads table information into two software packages, a common time consumer when integrating two control systems,” said Sky Straw, LiteTouch technical support and integration manager.
The LiteTouch/Savant integration driver is now accessible via Savant’s RacePoint Blueprint design software.