Nearly one in five (16 percent) consumers owns a portable wireless speaker, according to research released by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA).
The study, Consumer Perspectives on Wireless Multi-Room and Portable Audio Solutions, explores the satisfaction levels among current owners of wireless multi-room audio (MRA) and portable audio solutions; which features are most important to consumers; and the future purchase intent for non-owners.
Currently, one in ten consumers own a wireless MRA product, but nearly half of non-owners (44 percent) indicate interest in owning one. Portable wireless speakers, such as Bluetooth speakers, are also poised for growth, as 28 percent of consumers plan to purchase a related product in the next two years.
Overall, nearly all owners of both wireless MRA products and portable wireless speakers report that they are happy with their products. Additionally, 91 percent of wireless MRA product owners and 85 percent of portable wireless speaker owners would recommend their products to someone else.
Other key findings of the study include:
General electronics stores are by far the most common purchasing source for both wireless MRA products (43 percent) and portable wireless speakers (37 percent).
Consumers rely heavily on word of mouth and hands-on experience when researching and buying these products. Friends, family and co-workers are the most important sources of information for wireless MRA products (40 percent) and portable wireless speakers (38 percent).
Primary listening locations for wireless audio solutions are the living/family room (47 percent) and bedroom (28 percent), but a quarter (25 percent) of consumers say their primary listening area is a different room in the home.
Consumer Perspectives on Wireless Multi-Room and Portable Audio Solutions (April 2014) is based on a quantitative study administered via Internet Web form to an online national sample of 2,000 U.S. individuals over the age of 18 in January 2014.