Certified Cyber Solutions Inc., the manufacturer of network performance monitoring and secure remote access solutions, is introducing several new additions to its Home Cyber Shield (HCS) residential network monitoring and security system, including a new server and service plan options.
The HCS system uses a server at the homeowner location that monitors devices connected to the home’s network and can then send alerts or other diagnostic information to the integrator if a product or device has a service issue, so they can properly manage their client’s home technology on an on-going basis.
The company’s new H-50 is a single rack unit enterprise-level blade server with 120 GB dual hard drives utilizing RAID 1 mirror imaging for data storage back-up redundancy. It is backed with a three-year Next Business Day Replacement Warranty and dealer cost is $1,499, according to the company.
“Probably the most critical element in any network monitoring solution is the device that is located at the client’s home,” said Caleb Yaryan, CTO for Certified Cyber Solutions (CCS). “Two elements make the H-50 a stand-out product: it is bulletproof and designed to run 24/7/365, and with its storage capacity and redundancy, the integrator has up to 13 months of diagnostic information available to logically and efficiently manage their client’s home technology.”
CCS also is offering two new service plans designed for integrators who wish to monitor critical devices in smaller homes, vacation properties, apartments, and other residences that require monitoring of only the most vital network components and IP-enabled devices.
Called the Essentials and Essentials Plus, these service plans are available for integrators beginning as low as $299 per year.