Arlington, VA–The International CES has issued its Call for Speaker applications for the 2008 International CES, which will run January 7-10, 2008, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
With more than 175 sessions planned, the International CES conference program unites the industrys most respected authorities and educates attendees on the newest trends, strategies and profit opportunities emerging in consumer technology. More than 140,000 attendees including content and wireless developers, corporate buyers and retailers, consumer technology manufacturers, media, analysts and venture capitalists, from 140 countries attend the International CES. Notable industry experts share advice and knowledge throughout the CES conference program.
Speaker proposals are due by July 13, 2007. Proposals can be submitted online at
Topics for the 2008 International CES conference program include:
IPTV: The Television of Tomorrow?
Mobile on the Move: What’s in Store for Car Electronics?
Preparing for the Analog Shutoff Market Navigation for the Navigation Market
The New Definition of TV What’s This Button Do? Ease-of-Use and the Consumer
Home Theater in 3D The True Cost of DRM: What Cant We Do Now?
Home Entertainment and the Home PC The New Face of America’s Elections
Back on the Air: Mobile TV Taking the Blogosphere Seriously
The Drive for Gaming in 2007 Keeping CE off the Curb Through E-Cycling
Installation: Is it for the Average Joe? Tech’s Greener Pastures
The Golden Age of Digital Imaging Finding Private Equity
Bringing Automation Home The Power of Social Networking
Accessory to Success: The Power of Add-Ons Making Room for the Boom: CE for Aging Consumers
Innovation Through Design Mobile TV: Looks Great. How Do You Sell It?
World of Wireless The Top 10 Technologies You Never Heard Of
The High-End Audio Demo in an iPod World Finding the Right Bandwidth
Downloading and Streaming HD over the Air
Home Video’s Future Display Trends: What’s Next?
Due to the number of sessions offered and the need for a balanced program, a limited number of presenters will be accepted. All proposals will be considered based on industry representation, professionalism, prior public speaking experience and relevance to session topics. Sales pitches and product specific sessions will be eliminated from consideration. Proposed presenters will be notified of acceptance status at the end of September.
Show management will work with the speakers on all logistical, operational and promotional aspects of the session. Speakers are required to prepare and reproduce presentation materials, including handouts or related materials and topic outlines. All related hotel and travel expenses are the responsibility of the presenter.
For more information, visit